Does an Air Fryer Save Money and Energy? Ninja Foodi FlexDrawer

Recently, Ninja released a new air fryer model called the Flex Drawer, and I couldn't resist purchasing it when Amazon put it on sale. Intrigued by the potential energy savings, I decided to conduct an experiment to see if this air fryer could reduce my energy costs compared to my oven.

Ninja Foodi Flex Drawer Overview

The Ninja Foodi Flex Drawer is the latest in Ninja's line of air fryers. Unlike previous models with two separate cooking compartments, the Flex Drawer features one large drawer with a removable divider. This makes it more practical for families.

Experiment Setup

The goal of this experiment is to determine whether using an air fryer consumes less energy and costs less than using a traditional oven. As a homeowner with finite-capacity home batteries, reducing energy consumption is crucial to minimize drawing from the grid during peak hours.

Cooking with the Oven

First, we need to measure the energy consumption of cooking a meal in the oven. I chose a roast chicken, which is a regular, energy-intensive meal in our household. Here's a breakdown of the process:

  • Meal: Roast chicken (1.5 kg), takes 1 hour and 22 minutes at 180°C.
  • Energy Monitoring: Using Home Assistant, I monitored the power usage during the cooking period, factoring in background energy usage.
  • Results: Cooking the chicken in the oven used 2.6 kWh of energy.

Cooking with the Air Fryer

One week later, I repeated the process with the Ninja Foodi Flex Drawer:

  • Meal: Roast chicken (1.5 kg), following expert advice from an experienced air fryer user.
  • Cooking Steps:
    • Cook chicken upside down for 30 minutes at 200°C.
    • Flip chicken, add potatoes, and continue cooking.
    • Monitor energy usage with Home Assistant.
  • Results: Cooking the same meal in the air fryer used 1.668 kWh of energy.

Energy and Cost Comparison

Here’s the detailed energy consumption comparison:

  • Oven: 2.6 kWh
  • Air Fryer: 1.668 kWh

Using the current Octopus Energy flexible tariff rate of 27.45p per kWh:

  • Oven Cooking Cost: 71.37p
  • Air Fryer Cooking Cost: 45.79p
  • Annual Savings: £151 if cooking similar meals 45 times a year, with an energy saving of 42 kWh.

Benefits of Using the Ninja Flex Drawer Air Fryer

  • Energy Efficiency: Significantly lower energy consumption compared to a traditional oven.
  • Cost Savings: Potential annual savings on energy bills.
  • Healthier Cooking: Drains fat from food, making meals healthier.
  • Convenience: More practical for families with its large, divided cooking drawer.


The Ninja Foodi Flex Drawer Air Fryer proves to be a cost-effective and energy-efficient alternative to using an oven. By switching to the air fryer for regular meals, you can save on energy costs and contribute to a greener environment.

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